During the first JM in the AM tour of Israel (Summer 1989) Meir Weingarten studied one of the Shir Hamaalot psalms (120-134) each day with the participants.
In memory of our beloved Meir, Dr. Leeor Gottlieb, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Bible at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Torah scholar, long time friend and Torah-study partner of Meir presents a short explanation of each of these chapters of psalms for NSN listeners. Click on the players below to listen. May Meir’s (Meir Nachum ben Dovid) neshama have an aliyah in the merit of our study of Psalms.
To listen to the full series in one episode click the link below. For the individual Shirei Maalot please scroll down:
Audio PlayerDr. Gottlieb’s introduction:
Audio PlayerPsalm 120:
Audio PlayerPsalm 121:
Audio PlayerPsalm 122:
Audio PlayerPsalm 123:
Audio PlayerPsalm 124:
Audio PlayerPsalm 125:
Audio PlayerPsalm 126:
Audio PlayerPsalm 127:
Audio PlayerPsalm 128:
Audio PlayerPsalm 129:
Audio PlayerPsalm 130:
Audio PlayerPsalm 131:
Audio PlayerPsalm 132:
Audio PlayerPsalm 133:
Audio PlayerPsalm 134:
Audio Player